Commit Configuration ==================== The **** **-C** *cmd* option performs the ``type=commit`` API request to commit the *candidate* configuration. The commit options are specified with the *cmd* argument, which is an XML document (the default is ````). The *commit* operation is performed asynchronously (as a management server job). To simulate a synchronous commit by waiting for job completion use the **--sync** option. Example: Perform Synchronous commit ----------------------------------- .. warning:: Don't execute the commit right now; you will perform a commit in the lab below. :: $ -C '' --sync commit: success: "Configuration committed successfully" .. note:: When no *cmd* argument is used you must specify a null string. Lab 9 ----- #. Compare the output of the *get* and *show* requests for ``group1`` to confirm *candidate* and *active* configuration are different. #. Use **** to commit the *candidate* configuration with the changes from the previous labs. #. Compare the output of the *get* and *show* requests to confirm *candidate* and *active* configuration are the same. #. Attempt to commit again. .. admonition:: Solution :class: toggle :: $ XPATH="/config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/vsys/entry[@name='vsys1']/address-group/entry[@name='group1']" $ -sr $XPATH show: success addr1 addr2 addr3 $ -gr $XPATH get: success [code="19"] addr1 addr2 addr3 addr4 addr5 $ -C '' --sync commit: success: "Configuration committed successfully" $ -sr $XPATH show: success addr1 addr2 addr3 addr4 addr5 $ -gr $XPATH get: success [code="19"] addr1 addr2 addr3 addr4 addr5 $ -C '' --sync commit: success [code="19"]: "There are no changes to commit."