.. _dug_objects: Register-user and Unregister-user - *DUG* Objects ================================================= PAN-OS 9.1 introduced the Dynamic User Groups (DUGs) feature. A *Dynamic User Groups* object is created containing match criteria to define the members in the user group using the **and** and **or** operators to match ``registered-user`` object tags and populate the DUG, which can be used in the source user of a security policy. `register-user <_static/uid-register-user.xml>`_ and `unregister-user <_static/uid-unregister-user.xml>`_ messages manage tag to user mappings (``registered-user`` objects): .. literalinclude:: _static/uid-register-user.xml :language: xml :linenos: .. literalinclude:: _static/uid-unregister-user.xml :language: xml :linenos: Tags ---- Up to 32 tags can be specified for each user. The maximum length of a tag is 127. The tag name cannot contain the following: #. single quote #. double quote #. greater than one consecutive space And cannot be the case insensitive words: - **and**, **or**, **not** Persistency ----------- A registered-user mapping is persistent; the mappings are preserved across device reboots. Timeout Attribute ----------------- A tag can contain an optional ``timeout`` attribute in the ```` element. The default is ``"0"`` (never expires) or a timeout value in seconds for the tag. The maximum timeout is 2592000 (30 days). `register-user and unregister-user <_static/uid-unregister-register-user.xml>`_ can be combined in a single XML document: .. literalinclude:: _static/uid-unregister-register-user.xml :language: xml :linenos: .. note:: When register-user and unregister-user are combined in a single document, the entries are processed in the order: unregister-user, register-user; only a single ```` and ```` section should be specified. A `clear registered-user <_static/uid-clear-registered-user.xml>`_ message removes all user tag mappings. This is equivalent to the CLI command ``debug object registered-user clear all``. .. literalinclude:: _static/uid-clear-registered-user.xml :language: xml :linenos: .. note:: The dynamic user group ``dug1`` exists in the lab config with match criteria: ``"tag01" or "tag02"``. The CLI command ``show user group list dynamic`` can be used to list all dynamic user groups configured. Example: Add Tag to User Mappings (register-user) ------------------------------------------------- :: $ cat uid-register-user.xml update tag01 tag02 tag03 tag01 $ panxapi.py -xU uid-register-user.xml dynamic-update: success 2.0 admin@PA-VM> show object registered-user all Registered User Tags ---------------------------------------- ----------------- domain\user2 "tag01" user1 "tag01" "tag02" "tag03" Total: 2 registered users *: received from user-id agent $ panxapi.py -Xro 'show object registered-user all' op: success tag01 tag01 tag02 tag03 2 admin@PA-VM> show user group name dug1 source type: xmlapi Group type: Dynamic [1 ] user1 [2 ] domain\user2 Lab 15 ------ #. Clear all ``registered-user`` mappings using the CLI. #. Use **panxapi.py** to perform a *register-user* request. #. Verify ``registered-user`` mappings using the CLI. #. Use **panxapi.py** to perform *unregister-user* and *register-user* requests in a single message. #. Verify mappings using **panxapi.py** **-o**. #. View dynamic user group members for group ``dug1`` using the CLI. #. View *userid* logs using the CLI. #. Use **panxapi.py** to perform a *clear* request to remove all user tag mappings. #. Verify ``registered-user`` mappings using the CLI. #. View dynamic user group members for group ``dug1`` using the CLI. .. hint:: The links to the ```` XML documents above can be retrieved using **curl** or **wget**. .. admonition:: Solution :class: toggle :: admin@PA-VM> debug object registered-user clear all done! $ panxapi.py -U uid-register-user.xml dynamic-update: success admin@PA-VM> show object registered-user all Registered User Tags ---------------------------------------- ----------------- domain\user2 "tag01" user1 "tag01" "tag02" "tag03" Total: 2 registered users *: received from user-id agent $ panxapi.py -U uid-unregister-register-user.xml dynamic-update: success admin@PA-VM> show object registered-user all Registered User Tags ---------------------------------------- ----------------- domain\user2 "tag01" "tag02" user1 "tag01" user3 "tag01" "tag02" Total: 3 registered users *: received from user-id agent $ panxapi.py -Xro 'show object registered-user all' op: success tag01 tag02 tag01 tag01 tag02 3 admin@PA-VM> show user group name dug1 source type: xmlapi Group type: Dynamic [1 ] user1 [2 ] domain\user2 [3 ] user3 admin@PA-VM> show log userid direction equal backward receive_time in last-hour Domain,Receive Time,Serial #,Type,Threat/Content Type,Config Version,Generate Time,Virtual System,Source IP,User,Data Source Name,Event ID,Repeat Count,timeout,beginport,endport,Data Source,Data Source Type,Sequence Number,Action Flags,DG Hierarchy Level 1,DG Hierarchy Level 2,DG Hierarchy Level 3,DG Hierarchy Level 4,Virtual System Name,Device Name,Virtual System ID,Factor Type,Factor Completion Time,Factor Number,ugflags,userbysource 1,2020/03/04 08:49:47,015351000006388,USERID,register-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:47,vsys1,,user3,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,605,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,user3 1,2020/03/04 08:49:47,015351000006388,USERID,register-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:47,vsys1,,user3,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,604,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,user3 1,2020/03/04 08:49:47,015351000006388,USERID,register-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:47,vsys1,,domain\user2,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,603,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,domain\user2 1,2020/03/04 08:49:47,015351000006388,USERID,unregister-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:47,vsys1,,user1,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,602,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,user1 1,2020/03/04 08:49:47,015351000006388,USERID,unregister-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:47,vsys1,,user1,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,601,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,user1 1,2020/03/04 08:49:20,015351000006388,USERID,register-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:20,vsys1,,domain\user2,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,600,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,domain\user2 1,2020/03/04 08:49:20,015351000006388,USERID,register-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:20,vsys1,,user1,,0,1,3600,0,0,xml-api,,599,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,user1 1,2020/03/04 08:49:20,015351000006388,USERID,register-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:20,vsys1,,user1,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,598,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,user1 1,2020/03/04 08:49:20,015351000006388,USERID,register-tag,2305,2020/03/04 08:49:20,vsys1,,user1,,0,1,0,0,0,xml-api,,597,0x0,0,0,0,0,,PA-VM,1,,1969/12/31 16:00:00,0,0x0,user1 $ panxapi.py -U uid-clear-registered-user.xml dynamic-update: success admin@PA-VM> show object registered-user all Registered User Tags ---------------------------------------- ----------------- Total: 0 registered users *: received from user-id agent admin@PA-VM> show user group name dug1 source type: xmlapi Group type: Dynamic